Wednesday, November 24, 2021


How to Play:

Each entry lists a string of 3 or more identical vowels surrounded by blank spaces. Using the clue as a solving aid, figure out each word (or place name).


➤ ___ ___ EE ___ E ___

(Place to store excess perishables)

[The answer is FREEZER.]

Round 8:

➤ ___ A ___ ___ A ___

(Knocking or rapping sound, hyp.)


➤ ___ EE ___ E

(To annoy or irritate)


➤ ___ O ___ ___ O

(Ornamental or baroque style of architecture)


➤ ___ O ___ ___ O

(Pygmy chimpanzee)


➤ ___ A ___ ___ A ___ ___ A ___

(Island country in the Indian Ocean)


Monday, November 15, 2021

THIS & THAT (Round 6)

How to Play:

Each correct answer is a common "_______ & _______" phrase, such as "THIS & THAT". To solve, simply switch out one letter in each clue word with a different letter to reveal a common "_______ _______" phrase.


➤ _______ & _______

(bell / chair)

[Answer: switch out the "e" in "bell" to "a" and the "r" in "chair" to "n" to come up with the common "_______ _______" phrase, "BALL & CHAIN".]

Round 6:

➤ _______ & _______

(ever / nut)


➤ _______ & _______

(arty / wavy)


➤ _______ & _______

(mink / money)


➤ _______ & _______

(guts / noses)


 _______ & _______

(stash / grub)


➤ _______ & _______

(plaid / pimple)


➤ _______ & _______

(bugger / cries)


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):






Saturday, November 13, 2021

"THE END" GAME (Round 2)

How to Play:

Each sentence must be completed using a 2-WORD phrase at THE END. Each word in the phrase must be comprised of 3 LETTERS only. Clues are embedded in each sentence as a solving aid.


➤ As a result of taking a beating in the fight, I have a swollen eye and a ____ ____.

[Answer: the clue "swollen eye" indicates another facial injury: "FAT LIP", which is a 2-word phrase at THE END of the sentence, and with each word being just 3 letters long.]

Round 2:

➤ After getting vaccinated, the next day I felt a swollen lump under my left ____ ____.


➤ I was fortunate to have avoided military service because my dad suffered PTSD later in life as a ____ ____.


➤ One time four of my drinking buddies got wasted and stiffed me with the expensive ____ ____.


➤ I hate flying cross-country or internationally because I always end up suffering from ____ ____.


➤ Doesn't everyone have one of those crazy uncles or siblings who's a complete 100% certifiable ____ ____.


➤ I'm hard of hearing because my canals are compacted with ____ ____.


➤ My wife and I love getting naked and stimulated together in the sauna to enjoy some ____ ____.


➤ One time in the sauna, though, our privacy had been compromised when we discovered a hidden ____ ____.


➤ Don't even think about injecting me with those experimental drugs! After all, I'm not a ____ ____.


➤ If you pay what you owe to Uncle Sam every year, then there's no need to fear the ____ ____.



➤ On the blind date, the gorgeous woman had to choose between me and another guy to go out with. Guess who was the ____ ____ ____?


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Monday, November 8, 2021


How to Play:

Each entry lists two clues. The first clue answer is a compound word, and the second clue answer will be a 2-word reversal phrase (or single word) of the compound word.

➤ Sports contest  ⇄   Round object used in a sports contest =

_____________  ⇄   _____________

[The answer to the first clue is the compound word "BALLGAME", and the answer to the second clue is the 2-word reversal phrase, "GAME BALL".]

Round 8:

➤ What days of yore might be considered to be ⇄  Went past =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ A photo magnified, perhaps ⇄  Very near to =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ In the line of fire (figuratively speaking, say, with regards to smoke or airborne stench) Gradually bring something to a halt =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ Vessel patrolling the shore for conflagrations   What results if your yacht goes up in flames =

 _____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ Maintaining the condition of something ⇄  Not lag behind in a race, say =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


Friday, November 5, 2021

"THE END" GAME (Round 1)

How to Play:

Each sentence must be completed using a 2-WORD phrase at THE END. Each word in the phrase must be comprised of 3 LETTERS only. Clues are embedded in each sentence as a solving aid.


➤ As a result of taking a beating in the fight, I have a swollen eye and a ____ ____.

[Answer: the clue "swollen eye" indicates another facial injury: "FAT LIP", which is a 2-word phrase at THE END of the sentence, and with each word being just 3 letters long.]

Round 1:

➤ My dog is taking up too much room on the mattress, so even though she's not a pig I kicked her off because she's definitely a ____ ____.


➤ Whenever I wear my Speedo swim suit at the beach exposing my aging figure, even though I'm not a father, all the kids laugh at my ____ ____.


➤ Because my primary work doesn't pay me a decent living wage, here and there I have to pick up wherever I can an ____ ____.


➤ I love snow sports so much that I refuse to work or do anything but hang out in mountain towns, and now all my friends call me a ____ ____.


➤ You can keep your fancy Hispanic-California fusion cuisine, but I love me some spicy ____ ____.


➤ I get bored easily with routines, everything is so ____ ____.


➤ Even though I do not drive a car, to help the environment I support a 3-cent ____ ____.


➤ I admit in my younger days, I was dirty and messy and my room looked like a ____ ____.


➤ People have told me my sense of humor is droll and I have a ____ ____.


➤ Blackjack is a frustrating game, because my twenties always get beaten by the dealer's ____ ____.



How to Play : Buried within each sentence entry is a precious gemstone for you to find. Upon finding all ten, re-arrange the sentences order...