Friday, July 31, 2020

2 SQUARED (Round 3)

How to Play:

Each entry lists a pair of identical 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" words surrounded by, preceded by, or ending with blank spaces. Using the clue as a solving aid, fill in the blanks with the appropriate letters to come up with a common word.


➤ RE ___ RE ___

(Your parents did this to you from an early age)

[Answer: "A" and "D" are the letters to fill in surrounding the 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" word "RE", resulting in the word "REARED".]

Round 3:

➤ ME ___ ___ ___ ME ___ ___

(Fun and games)


 ___ IS ___ ___ ___ ___ IS ___

(Opposite of misanthrope)


➤ ___ RERE ___ ___ ___ ___

(Tape beforehand)


➤ DO ___ ___ DO

(Mahi Mahi)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ TI ___ TI ___ ___

(Establishing by proof or evidence)


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

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How to Play : Buried within each sentence entry is a precious gemstone for you to find. Upon finding all ten, re-arrange the sentences order...