How to Play:
Each sentence must be completed using a 2-WORD phrase at THE END. Each word in the phrase must be comprised of 3 LETTERS only. Clues are embedded in each sentence as a solving aid.
➤ As a result of taking a beating in the fight, I have a swollen eye and a ____ ____.
[Answer: the clue "swollen eye" indicates another facial injury: "FAT LIP", which is a 2-word phrase at THE END of the sentence, and with each word being just 3 letters long.]
Round 4:
➤ I'm a deaf fish lover a bit hard of herring, is an example of a ____ ____.
➤ I am a Leo astrological sign, but ironically, I am allergic to ____ ____.
➤ I got soaked on a walk in the rain and I have been drinking way too much lately; in either case I need to ____ ____.
➤ I have long hair and often pull it back in a ponytail, but you will never catch me bunching it up on top of my head in a ____ ____.
➤ I've been on a losing streak at the slots for hours, so it's definitely time to break the spell and ____ ____.
➤ It used to be that air travel was a novel, exotic wealthy person's way to go, but now any old Joe Schmo is part of the ____ ____.
➤ I used to spend a lot of time before and after school perfecting my basketball game in the empty athletic facility - I was a classic ____ ____.
➤ I suspected a friend was a CIA spook involved in devious infiltration mind campaigns known as ____ ____.
➤ I need some money from the machine but I'm out of luck because I've forgotten my ____ ____.
➤ The only reason I was able to do the pole vault successfully was because it was a very ____ ____.
6X BONUS!➤ The timeless story of Santiago and the fish: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.
PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):
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