How to Play:
Each entry requires a solution that uses two body parts to create a common phrase, word or usage. Clues are provided as a a solving aid.➤ __________ of _________
[The answer is HEART of PALM.]
Round 1:
➤ __________ in _________
How to Play:
Each entry requires a solution that uses two body parts to create a common phrase, word or usage. Clues are provided as a a solving aid.How to Play:
Each entry lists a fictional person's name derived from the first name of Mystery Celebrity A and the last name of Mystery Celebrity B. Discover the identity of each entry's [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] by linking the last name of Mystery Celebrity A with the first name of Mystery Celebrity B. (Homonymic names are allowed.)
➤ ELTON [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] NEWTON =
[Answer: The fictional person's name is "ELTON NEWTON". Mystery Celebrity A is "ELTON JOHN". Mystery Celebrity B is "WAYNE NEWTON". The Mystery Celebrity Offspring is "JOHN WAYNE".]
Round 3:How to Play:
Each entry lists two clues. The first clue answer is a compound word, and the second clue answer will be a 2-word reversal phrase (or single word) of the compound word.
➤ Sports contest ⇄ Round object used in a sports contest =
_____________ ⇄ _____________
[The answer to the first clue is the compound word "BALLGAME", and the answer to the second clue is the 2-word reversal phrase, "GAME BALL".]
How to Play:
To solve the answer to each simply decode a series of clues whose answers string together to reveal the name of a city, state or country of the world. Each clue is listed with the number of letters to its answer, which also happens, not coincidentally, to equal the total number of letters to the final answer. (Just count the number of ?????? in case of doubt.)
➤ Small food container (3) + Palindromic woman's name (3) = ??????
How to Play:
Each entry lists a string of 3 or more identical vowels surrounded by blank spaces. Using the clue as a solving aid, figure out each word (or place name).
➤ ___ ___ EE ___ E ___
(Place to store excess perishables)
[The answer is FREEZER.]
How to Play : Buried within each sentence entry is a precious gemstone for you to find. Upon finding all ten, re-arrange the sentences order...