Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 How to Play:

Each entry requires a solution that uses two body parts to create a common phrase, word or usage. Clues are provided as a a solving aid.


➤ __________ of _________

(Inner core or bud of coconut tree)

[The answer is HEART of PALM.]

Round 1:

➤ __________ 
in _________

(Ironically or flippantly or insincerely stated)


➤ __________ and _________

(Used when said to be outstanding from and "above the rest")


➤ __________ to _________

(One way to conduct a private meeting)


➤ __________

(What a cantankerous goat might give you, or, reversed, Beavis' buddy)


➤ __________ to the _________

(What a powerful nation might do to a small ally during a military conflict)


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

4 X 4-ERS (Round 6)

How to Play:

Each correctly solved entry will reveal a well-known person whose first and last names consist of just four letters. A clue listing an appropriate "punny" anagram will help discern the mystery identity of each famous "4 X 4-ER" luminary.

Round 6:

➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Swiss born Expressionist whose wan brother was known as "PALE LUKE")


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Former Yankee star known for his high-end soaks in a private club house "UBER BATH")


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Character actor in many movies always has a "CAGY ROLE")


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(The Violators frontman who fought against his image as a "EVIL TURK") 


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(54th Speaker of the House was always looking to "RUN A PLAY" by his congressional colleagues)


Saturday, September 26, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists a fictional person's name derived from the first name of Mystery Celebrity A and the last name of Mystery Celebrity B. Discover the identity of each entry's [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] by linking the last name of Mystery Celebrity A with the first name of Mystery Celebrity B. (Homonymic names are allowed.)


➤ ELTON [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] NEWTON =


[Answer: The fictional person's name is "ELTON NEWTON". Mystery Celebrity A is "ELTON JOHN". Mystery Celebrity B is "WAYNE NEWTON"The Mystery Celebrity Offspring is "JOHN WAYNE".]

Round 3:

ANDY [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] SHRIVER =



LEBRON [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] BUMGARNER =



RICHARD [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] ROOSEVELT =



DYLAN [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] BLITZER =



C.S. [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] O'CONNOR =



PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Friday, September 25, 2020


How to Play:

Stereotypes exist for a reason, so they say. But can there possibly be a kernel of truth to any of these stereotypical sights and events? Surely, you have seen or heard of them all . . . right? Find out by completing the stereotype scenarios below.


➤ Have you ever seen a billy goat munching on a ________ ________?

[The answer is "TIN CAN".]

Round 4:

➤ Have you ever heard a Mexican exclaim affirmatively, "________________________!"?


➤ Have you ever witnessed a ship's bon voyage departure ceremony with rolls of ________ ________ connecting the ship to the passengers waving goodbye from the shore?


➤ When have you ever heard a ________ yell "________!" in the woods as a tree was falling?


➤ Have you ever seen anyone beboppin' down the street with a ________ ________ held up to his ear?


➤ Have you ever seen a burglar breaking and entering into a home wearing a ________ ________ as a facial disguise?


Thursday, September 24, 2020


How to Play:

Based on the clue, fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate letters. Then substitute a common nickname ("Nicholasname") for the given proper name in the entry to reveal a correct word.


➤ ___ ___ ___ ROBERT

(Revered African shade tree)

[The letters to fill in are "B", "A" and "O", resulting in "BAOROBERT", but when "BOB" (the nickname or "Nicholasname") is substituted for the given proper name "ROBERT", the answer to the clue is revealed: "BAOBOB".]

Round 3:

➤ VIRGINIA ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

(You can't live in this but you can eat it)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ DOROTHY

(Semi-precious stone)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ HANNAH

(Folkish hoedown)


➤ ___ ___ ___ EVANGELINA ___

(This often precedes ". . . and a day")


➤ NICOLETTE ___ ___ ___ ___

(Addictive alkaloid stimulant)


Wednesday, September 23, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists two clues. The first clue answer is a compound word, and the second clue answer will be a 2-word reversal phrase (or single word) of the compound word.

➤ Sports contest  ⇄   Round object used in a sports contest =

_____________  ⇄   _____________

[The answer to the first clue is the compound word "BALLGAME", and the answer to the second clue is the 2-word reversal phrase, "GAME BALL".]

Round 3:

➤ Drainage area   What a duck does once out of the pond =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ Group collaboration to accomplish a shared goal   Individuals laboring together =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ Elevate morale, say   Raise from a lower to higher position =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ One's oeuvre, perhaps  Day to day career activity =

_____________ ⇄   _____________


➤ Troglodyte   Dude's personal space downstairs =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


Monday, September 21, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry's correct answer is a made-up 2-word phrase. Both words are 4 letters long and comprise, in sequence, the abbreviations of 4 consecutive U.S. states. Clues are given as a solving aid and state abbreviations can be used more than once in each answer set. Could it be more plainly stated?


➤ ______ * ______

(Dinner for Shamu?)

[Answer: The 2-word phrase is "ORCA MEAL", which correctly answers the clue, "Dinner for Shamu?". Contained within the 2-word phrase are 4 consecutive U.S. postal abbreviations: "OR" & "CAfor Oregon & California, which combine to create the word "ORCA"; and "ME" & "ALfor Maine & Alabama, which combine to create the word "MEAL".]

Round 1:

➤ ______ * ______

(Colorado resort ski lift?)


➤ ______ * ______

(Spy devices meant for housekeepers?)


➤ ______ * ______

(Arrogant gestural and speechless performer?)


➤ ______ * ______

(Fermented beverage made from sacred Inca leaves and grapes?)


➤ ______ * ______ 

(Opening to a letter to Mother Earth?)


Saturday, September 19, 2020


How to Play:

To solve the answer to each simply decode a series of clues whose answers string together to reveal the name of a city, state or country of the world. Each clue is listed with the number of letters to its answer, which also happens, not coincidentally, to equal the total number of letters to the final answer. (Just count the number of ?????? in case of doubt.)


➤ Small food container (3) + Palindromic woman's name (3) = ??????

[Answer: the first 3-letter clue answer is "CAN"; the second 3-letter clue answer is "ADA". Combine "CAN" and "ADA" to come up with the country of CANADA.]

Round 4:

➤ Angry (3) + Muslim military commander (3) + Visible reminder of a cut (4) = ??????????


➤ Neither (3) + What "Tao" means (3) = ??????


➤ Animal residence (3) +  Grade (4) ???????


One of the Siamese Twins (3) +  Terra Firma (4) ???????


➤ Cay in Spanish (4) + Pa's distaff (2) + Good's opposite (3) ?????????


Thursday, September 17, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry contains two blanks that when properly filled in will complete a silly "double spoonerism" sentence. Solving hint: figure out the answer to one blank and that answer will rhyme with the corresponding opposite capitalized word in the sentence; alternately, use one of the capitalized words to find a rhyme which works in the corresponding opposite blank.


➤ PLAIN DRUGS might not do the trick if your DRAIN PLUGS up beyond repair.

[Answer: "PLAIN DRUGS" and "DRAIN PLUGS" are spoonerisms of each other.]

Round 3:

Surely, it doesn't take a SMART ________ to realize how gross it is to be a ________ SMELLER.


➤ Surely, it takes a smart feller with eyes wide open to realize that his INSANE ________ is in ________ SIGHT.


When a gansta Blood CRACKED the ________, he really and truly ________ the CRIP.


Could you say that an embarrassed blackbird who suffers a humiliating defeat is a BLUSHING ________ who sustained a ________ BLOW?


If CROOKS and ________  were to avoid one another, might they hide in the ________ and CRANNIES?


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

4 X 4-ERS (Round 5)

How to Play:

Each correctly solved entry will reveal a well-known person whose first and last names consist of just four letters. A clue listing an appropriate "punny" anagram will help discern the mystery identity of each famous "4 X 4-ER" luminary.

Round 5:

➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Steakhouse mogul who built a replica of his huge mansion and called it his "TOY MANOR")


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Pioneering American composer who changed his name to "CHE JANGO" just because)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Crooner of yore who founded a religion on Hawaii and called it "KALA PUNA")


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Actor, producer and director who had to continually correct people on his name by saying "NOT BILLY" please)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Icon of wilderness preservation who possessed a mischievous sense of "JIN HUMOR")


Tuesday, September 15, 2020


How to Play:

The objective of this executive stumper is to figure out which U.S. president is embedded in a logical or silly 2-word phrase. Based on each entry's correct answer, the embedded president's identity will be hinted at through the first 2 letters of his first and last name. (Note: presidential middle names are not used.)


➤ SEWA ___ ___ * ___ ___ STE

(This president figured out what to do with the White House's excess excreta)


[Answer: Fill in the blanks with the letters "GE" & "WA" to complete the answer to the clue: "SLUDGE WASTE" - revealing the 2-letter first and last name initials of the embedded president, "GEORGE WASHINGTON".]

Round 3:

BAN ___ ___ * ___ ___ DICT

(This president could never stop listening to the melodies of this folk string instrument)

= ____________________


COMMONWEAL ___ ___ * ___ ___ OPARDY

(This president thought the newly formed Republic faced an uncertain peril)

= ____________________


CA ___ ___ ___ ___ RCA

(This president relocated to an Andean city after his term)

= ____________________


PIZ ___ ___ * ___ ___ KEOUT

(This president innovated pick-up orders for savory Italian pies)

= ____________________


ASTH ___ ___ * ___ ___ CCINE

(This president, suffering from a breathing disorder, was keen on discovering a cure)

= ____________________


Monday, September 14, 2020

3 WORD MONTE (Round 3)

How to Play:

Each entry in this game deals two words face up, separated by a blank space. Can you identify the proper connecting word in between that unites the two words and results in three consecutive compound words? Don't be a shill - place your bet!


➤ PIN _______ POINT

[The word to fill in to complete the 3 WORD MONTE is "BALL", which results in the 3 words, "PINBALL", "BALLPOINT" and "PINPOINT".]

Round 3:

➤ SIDE _______ BAND


➤ FOOT _______ WAY


➤ WHITE _______ BOARD


➤ TEAM _______ MATE


➤ CROSS _______ OVER


Sunday, September 13, 2020


How to Play:

Fill in the blanks preceding, surrounding or ending the letters to reveal a bird hidden in the word.


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ KY

(Stylishly luxurious)

[The word is "swanky" and the hidden bird is SWAN.]

Round 4:

➤  ___ ___ ___ ___ TER

(With "box", talkative)


BASKET ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

(Craftsperson skilled at making containers from fibers)


___ ___ ___ ___ EAF

(Bit of dreg from a green or black beverage)


DIAR ___ ___ ___ ___

(The runs)


AN ___ ___ ___ ___ R

(City in Massachusetts)


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Saturday, September 12, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists a string of 3 or more identical vowels surrounded by blank spaces. Using the clue as a solving aid, figure out each word (or place name).


➤ ___ ___ EE ___ E ___

(Place to store excess perishables)

[The answer is FREEZER.]

Round 3:

➤ ___ A ___ A ___ A ___ A ___

(Multi-hulled watercraft)


➤ U ___ U ___ U

(Aboriginal name for Ayers Rock)


➤ ___ E ___ EE ___ E ___

(Christ is this)


➤ ___ O ___ O ___ ___ O

(Land of the Berbers)


➤ ___ A ___ ___ A ___ A

(Hindu / Buddhist concept of cycle of life and death)


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Monday, September 7, 2020


How to Play:

Translate the highfalutin circumlocutory language of each entry to distill a common adage, apothegm, aphorism, axiom, maxim, phrase, proverb, saw, or saying.


It is not necessary to shed lacrimal drops over toppled bovine secretions.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(5 word phrase)

[Answer: "Don't cry over spilled milk."]

Round 6:

Record the dimensions two times sever a single time.

"_____ _____ _____ _____."

(4 word phrase)


➤ One may steer an equine being to an aquatic source however it is not possible to engage said equine being to slake his thirst.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(13 word phrase)


➤ To the extent that circumstances and phenomena undergo alternation it is also true that they remain in their previous existing state.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(10 word phrase)


➤ Sixteen grams devoted to precautionary measures is the equivalent in value to sixteen ounces of an effective remedy.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(10 word phrase)


You may relocate the male youngster from his bucolic origins however it is not possible to extract the bucolic essence from the male youngster.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(19 word phrase)


Friday, September 4, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists a made-up organization or association whose acronym is the initials of a well-known person. Who might these initial findings reveal? Clues are given as a solving aid to help expose the initial public personae responsible for the fictionalized concerns.


➤ Society for Literature and Comedy = ________ ________ ________

(This American humorist would be a good candidate to head up the SLC.)


Round 4:

➤ Endowment for Artists and Poets = ________ ________ ________

(Insanely brilliant, he established the EAP before dying drunkenly in a street gutter at age 40.)


➤ Establishment of Extraordinary Concerns = ________ ________ ________

(This remarkable poet channeled his genius and curiosity into the EEC.)


➤ Alliance of Ordinary Citizens = ________ ________ ________

(Political upstart seeking to unite a broad coalition of people through her AOC.)


➤ Fellowship of Filmmakers Club = ________ ________ ________

(World-class movie director hobnobs with the best of his peers at FFC meetings.)


➤ Poet's Bohemian Society = ________ ________ ________

(Romantic era literary persona who, naturally, established the PBS for his like-minded rapscallion pals.)


Thursday, September 3, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists 2 words whose blanks each contain the same letter. Using the clues as a solving aid, figure out each word that shares 4 or more letters in common in the same order.


➤ ___ ___ ON ___ ___ ___

(Method of learning to read, with "Hooked on")

➤ ___ ___ YS ___ ___ ___

(Study of microcosmic or macrocosmic phenomena)

[The answer to the first word is PHONICS; the answer to the second word is PHYSICS. Each word contains at least 4 blanks containing, in order, the letters "P", "H", "I", "C" and "S".]

Round 2:

➤ ___ ___ AV ___ ___ ___


➤ ___ ___ EW ___ ___ ___



➤ ___ ___ ___ SI ___ ___ ___ ___


➤ ___ ___ ___ CE ___ ___ ___ ___

(Set a ________)


➤ ___ ___ UP ___ ___ ___ ___

(Outburst from a mountain)

➤ ___ ___ EC ___ ___ ___ ___

(Sexually charged stiffness)


➤ ___ ___ NU ___ ___ ___  ___

(Statue honoring someone)

➤ ___ ___ VE ___ ___ ___  ___

(9th or 5th or bowel, e.g.)


➤ ___ ___ AR ___ ___ ___

(A barbershop can be one)

➤ ___ ___ IN ___ ___ ___

(A jazz group can be one)


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


How to Play:

This brainteaser has two variations, both involving well-known persons.

Variation 1 entries are made-up names resulting from substituting a random letter in both the first and last name of a well-known person. Solving each entry requires a bit of guessing (or reverse substituting) to figure out the real identity of the well-known person.

Variation 2 entries are silly 2-word phrases resulting from substituting a random letter in both the first and last name of a well-known person. Solving each entry requires a bit of guessing (or reverse substituting) to figure out the real identity of the well-known person.


Variation 1:

➤ TOBY GILL = ____________ 

[The answer revealing the well-known person is TONY BILL, arrived at by substituting "N" for "B" in the first name, "TOBY", and substituting "B" for "G" in the last name, "GILL".]

Variation 2:

➤ MAD PEST = ____________ 

[The answer is MAE WEST, arrived at by substituting "E" for "D" in the first word, "MAD", and  substituting "W" for "P" in the last word, "PEST".]

Round 4:

Variation 1:

➤ DARREN GATES = ____________


➤ AL KID = ____________


➤ MACK DALEY = ____________


➤ RONALD CRUMP = ____________ 


➤ DICK DAGGER = ____________


Variation 2:

➤ BULL EYE = ____________


➤ DOSA PARTS = ____________ 


➤ KLAN RING = ____________ 


➤ BRAS TITT = ____________


➤ PETS LOSE = ____________



How to Play : Buried within each sentence entry is a precious gemstone for you to find. Upon finding all ten, re-arrange the sentences order...