Friday, December 18, 2020

4 X 4-ERS (Round 7)

How to Play:

Each correctly solved entry will reveal a well-known person whose first and last names consist of just four letters. A clue listing an appropriate "punny" anagram will help discern the mystery identity of each famous "4 X 4-ER" luminary.

Round 7:

➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___
(Canadian-American 50's country icon who "HAS KNOWN" a thing or two about the Nashville scene.)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

("Exodus" author once probed Tolstoy about 


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Uber-entrepreneur / AI champion set up citrus business in London called 


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Actor who starred in Netflix series "Love" really wanted the "SULU PART" in the new "Star Trek" flick)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Monte Python member had to shave his hair off on the set because of a bad case of "DIRE LICE")


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How to Play : Buried within each sentence entry is a precious gemstone for you to find. Upon finding all ten, re-arrange the sentences order...