How to Play:
Each entry is a sentence that has buried within it a "Lost City" in ruins - meaning the name of the city is broken up between two or more words. Hints are dropped in the sentences to help figure out the answers. Dust off your archaeological skills and begin to uncover the world's Lost Cities.
➤ I easily tire now that I'm getting old and just hang around gambling at the sports bar.
[Answer: The hint is "gambling" which ties into the name of the "Lost City" - "RENO".]
Round 6:
➤ I opine: war kills innocent victims whether in New Jersey or Ukraine.
➤ In the winning Oscar, a cast of Venezuelan actors won for best ensemble award.
➤ Rig Veda, karma, dharma, bodhisattva all derive from Eastern mysticism, not West African.
➤ I have a guitar lesson at five today in the south of France.
➤ Sad to admit, not that being German has anything to do with it, but bourbon never lasts long around my house.
➤ Sign on French 7-11 store door: Only one teenager at a time allowed.
➤ A bad rep is a career killer, especially in Italian tourist cities.
➤ I know a Soho bartender by way of Tasmania who serves a mean Tom Collins.
➤ In a nasty gunfight with the Taliban, a U.S. soldier took a bullet in the leg.
➤ My dad fought in not one but two European wars, awful huh!