How to Play:
Each entry lists a made-up organization or association whose acronym is the initials of a well-known person. Who might these initial findings reveal? Clues are given as a solving aid to help expose the initial public personae responsible for the fictionalized concerns.
➤ Society for Literature and Comedy = ________ ________ ________
(This American humorist would be a good candidate to head up the SLC.)
Round 2:
➤ Federation of Democratic Republics = ________ ________ ________
(This august historical American figure would be the perfect candidate to head up the FDR.)
➤ Rogues in Literature Syndicate = ________ ________ ________
(This classic writer of swashbuckling adventure tales is the self-appointed Chief Scoundrel of the RLS.)
➤ Happy Childhood Agency = ________ ________ ________
(This spinner of juvenile fairytales naturally was the founding father of the HCA.)
➤ Justice and Peace Movement = ________ ________ ________
(This ruthless American tycoon had a turn of heart when he founded the JPM.)
➤ Association of Criminal Detectives = ________ ________ ________
(This British doctor knew a thing or two about the subject, thus establishing the bylaws of the ACD.)
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020
How to Play:
When correctly solved, each entry in this game exposes a celebrity hiding within a common 4-letter word surrounded by blank spaces. Each entry's 4-letter word is derived from the first and last letters of the celebrity's first name and last name.
Example:When correctly solved, each entry in this game exposes a celebrity hiding within a common 4-letter word surrounded by blank spaces. Each entry's 4-letter word is derived from the first and last letters of the celebrity's first name and last name.
➤ B ___ ___ A * L ___ ___ ___ ___ I
(This horror flick icon retired to a tropical island paradise)
[Answer: the common 4-letter word is "BALI"; the letters to fill in are, in order, E, L, U, G, O, & S, thereby exposing the celebrity BELA LUGOSI.]
Round 2:
➤ P ___ ___ ___ ___ A * C ___ ___ ___ K
(Yesteryear pop singer was the leader of this when it came to song hits)
➤ M ___ ___ ___ ___ A * R ___ ___ E
(Old-timey comedienne had a horse laugh)
➤ D ___ ___ I * M ___ ___ ___ E
(Once top movie star now ain't worth this on the silver screen)
➤ S ___ ___ ___ ___ A * S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ S
(Wasn't this classic cinema beauty known to dish out a lot of this on the set?)
➤ D ___ ___ ___ E * L ___ ___ E
(No ex-ing out this pretty star of romantic movies)
PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):
Sunday, June 28, 2020
How to Play:
Each entry requires an answer which is a person's first name. Fill in the banks with the appropriate letters to become familiar with them on a first name basis. Homonyms are acceptable.
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___
(Amplification device)
[The answer is "MIKE"]
Round 1:
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(Eager, enthusiastic)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(One one-thousandth of ten dollars)
➤ ___ ___ ___
(Expression of human creative skill and imagination)
➤ ___ ___ ___
(Wear something)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards, e.g.)
Each entry requires an answer which is a person's first name. Fill in the banks with the appropriate letters to become familiar with them on a first name basis. Homonyms are acceptable.
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___
(Amplification device)
[The answer is "MIKE"]
Round 1:
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(Eager, enthusiastic)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(One one-thousandth of ten dollars)
➤ ___ ___ ___
(Expression of human creative skill and imagination)
➤ ___ ___ ___
(Wear something)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards, e.g.)
Saturday, June 27, 2020
How to Play:
(Hot time)
(Endure extremely hot temperature)
(Time for hot food)
Each entry lists two or more mystery words, each shown with a pair of different consonants surrounded by the same number of blank spaces on both sides. The blanks must be filled in with identical letters to reveal different words. Crossword style clues are given as a solving aid.
➤ ___ ___ MM ___ ___
(Hot time)
➤ ___ ___ FF ___ ___
(Endure extremely hot temperature)
➤ ___ ___ PP ___ ___
[The answers are "SUMMER", "SUFFER", and "SUPPER" with the identical letters "S", "U", "E" & "R" in common.]
Round 3:
➤ ___ ___ DD ___ ___
(Helps with steering a boat)
➤ ___ ___ BB ___ ___
(What is known to hit the road)
➤ ___ ___ GG ___ ___ ___ ___
(Tight fitting stretch pants)
➤ ___ ___ MM ___ ___ ___ ___
(Suicidal rodents )
➤ ___ ___ NN ___ ___
(Person in dire need of atonement)
➤ ___ ___ TT ___ ___
(Person hired to watch kids)
➤ ___ ___ PP ___
(Small pointer)
➤ ___ ___ SS ___
(Something a small pointer might go after)
(Double reed)
➤ ___ ___ LL ___ ___ ____
(Gain weight, figuratively)
➤ ___ ___ SS ___ ___ ___
(Double reed)
➤ ___ ___ LL ___ ___ ____
(Gain weight, figuratively)
PAST ROUNDS (for your solving pleasure!):
Friday, June 26, 2020
3 X 3-ERS (Round 1)
How to Play:
Each entry, when correctly filled in, will reveal the name of a well-known person whose first and last names are comprised of just three letters. Solve the anagram clues to reveal the identities of the mystery "3 X 3-ers".
Round 1:
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Any Arm)
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Tan Yam)
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Rely On)
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Eel Nag)
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Ye Klan)
Each entry, when correctly filled in, will reveal the name of a well-known person whose first and last names are comprised of just three letters. Solve the anagram clues to reveal the identities of the mystery "3 X 3-ers".
Round 1:
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Any Arm)
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Tan Yam)
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Rely On)
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Eel Nag)
➤ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___
(Ye Klan)
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
How to Play:
Translate the highfalutin circumlocutory language of each entry to distill a common adage, aphorism, axiom, maxim, phrase, proverb, saw, or saying.
➤ It is not necessary to shed lacrimal drops over toppled bovine secretions.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(5 word phrase)
(6 word phrase)
Translate the highfalutin circumlocutory language of each entry to distill a common adage, aphorism, axiom, maxim, phrase, proverb, saw, or saying.
➤ It is not necessary to shed lacrimal drops over toppled bovine secretions.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(5 word phrase)
[Answer: "Don't cry over spilled milk."]
Round 3:
➤ Not present visually, not present mentally.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
Round 3:
➤ Not present visually, not present mentally.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(6 word phrase)
➤ Refrain from initially hitching the conveyance to the equine.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(7 word phrase)
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(7 word phrase)
➤ A deep association with someone fosters feelings of disdain.
"_____ _____ _____."
(3 word phrase)
➤ The avian being that arises at the crepuscular hour ensnares the invertebrate annelid.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(6 word phrase)
➤ Measures undertaken proclaim themselves in sharper tones than distinct elements of spoken language.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ ______."
(5 word phrase)
"_____ _____ _____."
(3 word phrase)
➤ The avian being that arises at the crepuscular hour ensnares the invertebrate annelid.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(6 word phrase)
➤ Measures undertaken proclaim themselves in sharper tones than distinct elements of spoken language.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ ______."
(5 word phrase)
PAST ROUNDS (for your solving pleasure!):
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
2 SQUARED (Round 2)
How to Play:
Each entry lists a pair of identical 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" words surrounded by, preceded by, or ending with blank spaces. Using the clue as a solving aid, fill in the blanks with the appropriate letters to come up with a common word.
➤ RE ___ RE ___
(Your parents did this to you from an early age)
[Answer: "A" and "D" are the letters to fill in surrounding the 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" word "RE", resulting in the word "REARED".]
Round 2:
➤ ___ OR ___ OR ___
(Often said facetiously about something mildly abominable)
➤ PA ___ ___ PA
(Ramada relative)
➤ KI ___ KI ___ ___
(How you might go down, figuratively)
➤ AS ___ AS ___ ___ ___
(Hashish has its roots in this word)
➤ AM ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ AM
(European city where you can buy lots of hashish)
Each entry lists a pair of identical 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" words surrounded by, preceded by, or ending with blank spaces. Using the clue as a solving aid, fill in the blanks with the appropriate letters to come up with a common word.
➤ RE ___ RE ___
(Your parents did this to you from an early age)
[Answer: "A" and "D" are the letters to fill in surrounding the 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" word "RE", resulting in the word "REARED".]
Round 2:
➤ ___ OR ___ OR ___
(Often said facetiously about something mildly abominable)
➤ PA ___ ___ PA
(Ramada relative)
➤ KI ___ KI ___ ___
(How you might go down, figuratively)
➤ AS ___ AS ___ ___ ___
(Hashish has its roots in this word)
➤ AM ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ AM
(European city where you can buy lots of hashish)
PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):
Monday, June 22, 2020
How to Play:
(Hot time)
(Endure extremely hot temperature)
(Time for hot food)
Each entry lists two or more mystery words, each shown with a pair of different consonants surrounded by the same number of blank spaces on both sides. The blanks must be filled in with identical letters to reveal different words. Crossword style clues are given as a solving aid.
➤ ___ ___ MM ___ ___
(Hot time)
➤ ___ ___ FF ___ ___
(Endure extremely hot temperature)
➤ ___ ___ PP ___ ___
[The answers are "SUMMER", "SUFFER", and "SUPPER" with the identical letters "S", "U", "E" & "R" in common.]
Round 2:
➤ ___ ___ VV ___ ___ ___
➤ ___ ___ FF ___ ___ ___
➤ ___ ___ BB ___ ___
(Go on inanely)
➤ ___ ___ TT ___ ___
(Engage insanely)
➤ ___ CC ___ ___ ___
(Emphasize a particular feature)
➤ ___ SS ___ ___ ___
(Express approval)
➤ ___ ___ ___ GG ___ ___
➤ ___ ___ ___ MM ___ ___
➤ ___ ___ BB ___ ___
➤ ___ ___ FF ___ ___
(Means of raising money)
PAST ROUNDS (for your solving pleasure!):
Saturday, June 20, 2020
How to Play:
Each entry lists what appears to be a meaningless or silly multiple word phrase that actually disguises a well-known person's name. Solve the clues by figuring out the literal or homophonous synonym of each word (or phrase within the phrase).
➤ Genuflects Lout = _______ * _______
[The well-known person is "KNEELS BOOR" = NIELS BOHR, whose answer is arrived at by transliterating the two homophonic synonyms of "genuflects" ("KNEELS") and "lout" ("BOOR").]
Round 1:
➤ Small Nail Divot = _______ * _______
➤ Seamstress Rapid = _______ * _______
➤ Dick Wild Dog = _______ * _______
➤ Wealthy Small = _______ * _______
➤ Susurrate Raven = _______ * _______
➤ Susurrate Raven = _______ * _______
Friday, June 19, 2020
U.S. RD. MAP: ST. ABBR. (Round 4)
How to Play:
Solve each entry by filling in the blanks with official U.S. state abbreviations to come up with a common word related to the "road map" clue.
➤ Having a flushed complexion: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
[The answer is “FLORID” which is comprised of the combination of state abbreviations FL + OR + ID.]
Round 4:
➤ City of Angels nickname: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
➤ Assassinated Indian activist and spiritual leader: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
➤ Urgent request: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
➤ Ten trips around the sun: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
➤ Dangerous thing to step on: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Solve each entry by filling in the blanks with official U.S. state abbreviations to come up with a common word related to the "road map" clue.
➤ Having a flushed complexion: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
[The answer is “FLORID” which is comprised of the combination of state abbreviations FL + OR + ID.]
Round 4:
➤ City of Angels nickname: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
➤ Assassinated Indian activist and spiritual leader: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
➤ Urgent request: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
➤ Ten trips around the sun: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
➤ Dangerous thing to step on: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):
Thursday, June 18, 2020
How to Play:
Based on the clue, fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate letters. Then substitute a common nickname ("Nicholasname") for the given proper name in the entry to reveal a correct word.
➤ ___ ___ ___ ROBERT
(Revered African shade tree)
[Answer: The letters to fill in are "B", "A" and "O", resulting in "BAOROBERT". Next, substitute the "Nicholasname" for Robert - "BOB" - and, voila, the answer to the clue is revealed: "BAOBOB".]
Round 1:
➤ THOMAS ___ ___ ___
(Gangster's gat)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ WILLIAM
(Revered African bird)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ JOHN
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ LESTER
(Without trepidation)
➤ WILLIAM ___ ___ ___ ___
(Where you might keep your ones and fives, but not your threes)
Based on the clue, fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate letters. Then substitute a common nickname ("Nicholasname") for the given proper name in the entry to reveal a correct word.
➤ ___ ___ ___ ROBERT
(Revered African shade tree)
[Answer: The letters to fill in are "B", "A" and "O", resulting in "BAOROBERT". Next, substitute the "Nicholasname" for Robert - "BOB" - and, voila, the answer to the clue is revealed: "BAOBOB".]
Round 1:
➤ THOMAS ___ ___ ___
(Gangster's gat)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ WILLIAM
(Revered African bird)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ JOHN
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ LESTER
(Without trepidation)
➤ WILLIAM ___ ___ ___ ___
(Where you might keep your ones and fives, but not your threes)
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
How to Play:
When correctly solved, each entry in this game exposes a celebrity hiding within a common 4-letter word surrounded by blank spaces. Each entry's 4-letter word is derived from the first and last letters of the celebrity's first name and last name.
When correctly solved, each entry in this game exposes a celebrity hiding within a common 4-letter word surrounded by blank spaces. Each entry's 4-letter word is derived from the first and last letters of the celebrity's first name and last name.
➤ B ___ ___ A * L ___ ___ ___ ___ I
(This horror flick icon retired to a tropical island paradise)
[Answer: the common 4-letter word is "BALI"; the letters to fill in are, in order, E, L, U, G, O, & S, thereby exposing the celebrity BELA LUGOSI.]
Round 1:
➤ P ___ ___ L * A ___ ___ ___ N
➤ B ___ ___ ___ E * D ___ ___ ___ S
(Classic film icon slept in many of these with her co-stars)
➤ ___ ___ ___ EN * D ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ S
➤ B ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ A * B ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Y
(Former TV mom raised more than one brat)
➤ B ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ A * S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ K
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
How to Play:
This game lists initials and acronyms of well-known persons, places, things, agencies, associations, and organizations. Based on the entry clue, fill in the blanks surrounding the connector initials or acronym with the appropriate letters to reveal a single word or multiple word phrase.
➤ ___ ___ LL * B ___ ___ ___ ___
(This outdoor recreation store sells products that provide comfort for its customers, and for its financial bottom line.)
[The initials / acronym "LLB" stand for LL BEAN, and the filled-in blanks create the phrase "well-being".]
Round 3:
➤ ___ ___ N * RA ___ ___ ___ ___
(Are the Amish locked and loaded when they communally engage in this bucolic effort of erecting a certain farm structure?)
➤ ___ ___ ___ WHO ___ ___
(This opening to expectorate sea water keeps leviathans of the deep most healthy.)
➤ ___ AW * OL ___ ___ ___ ___
(You go missing from the table and you won't ever sample these delicious all natural fruits, pitted or unpitted.)
➤ ___ UN * ESCO___ ___
(If this NGO were to merrily chaperon you and your honey, would it qualify as this?)
➤ ___ ___ ___RA * DAR ___ ___ ___
(Flying under this in a rainstorm would require you to be overly intrepid.)
This game lists initials and acronyms of well-known persons, places, things, agencies, associations, and organizations. Based on the entry clue, fill in the blanks surrounding the connector initials or acronym with the appropriate letters to reveal a single word or multiple word phrase.
➤ ___ ___ LL * B ___ ___ ___ ___
(This outdoor recreation store sells products that provide comfort for its customers, and for its financial bottom line.)
[The initials / acronym "LLB" stand for LL BEAN, and the filled-in blanks create the phrase "well-being".]
Round 3:
➤ ___ ___ N * RA ___ ___ ___ ___
(Are the Amish locked and loaded when they communally engage in this bucolic effort of erecting a certain farm structure?)
(This opening to expectorate sea water keeps leviathans of the deep most healthy.)
(You go missing from the table and you won't ever sample these delicious all natural fruits, pitted or unpitted.)
(If this NGO were to merrily chaperon you and your honey, would it qualify as this?)
(Flying under this in a rainstorm would require you to be overly intrepid.)
PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):
Monday, June 15, 2020
2 SQUARED (Round 1)
How to Play:
Each entry lists a pair of identical 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" words surrounded by, preceded by, or ending with blank spaces. Using the clue as a solving aid, fill in the blanks with the appropriate letters to come up with a common word.
➤ RE ___ RE ___
(Your parents did this to you from an early age)
[Answer: "A" and "D" are the letters to fill in surrounding the 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" word "RE", resulting in the word "REARED".]
Round 1:
➤ ___ ANAN ___
(Some call it a fruit, others call it a vegetable)
➤ ___ ___ FA ___ FA
(Legume family forage crop)
➤ MIMI ___
(This one's too easy for a clue)
➤ BO ___ ___ BO
(Sex crazed simian)
Each entry lists a pair of identical 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" words surrounded by, preceded by, or ending with blank spaces. Using the clue as a solving aid, fill in the blanks with the appropriate letters to come up with a common word.
➤ RE ___ RE ___
(Your parents did this to you from an early age)
[Answer: "A" and "D" are the letters to fill in surrounding the 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" word "RE", resulting in the word "REARED".]
Round 1:
➤ ___ ANAN ___
➤ ___ ___ FA ___ FA
(Legume family forage crop)
➤ MIMI ___
(This one's too easy for a clue)
➤ ___ IN ___ ___ IN ___
(Minutely hone in on or the minute head of a minute fastener)
➤ ___ IN ___ ___ IN ___
➤ BO ___ ___ BO
Thursday, June 11, 2020
How to Play:
Fill in the blanks preceding, surrounding or ending the letters to reveal a bird hidden in the word.
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ KY
(Stylishly luxurious)
[The word is "swanky" and the hidden bird is SWAN.]
Round 2:
➤ ES ___ ___ ___ ___
(Place in custody or trust)
➤ BAL ___ ___ ___ ___
(Gain a lot of weight quickly)
➤ B ___ ___ ___ ___ LE
(System of writing for the impaired)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ OUS
➤ ___ ___ ___ EST
Fill in the blanks preceding, surrounding or ending the letters to reveal a bird hidden in the word.
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ KY
(Stylishly luxurious)
[The word is "swanky" and the hidden bird is SWAN.]
Round 2:
➤ ES ___ ___ ___ ___
(Place in custody or trust)
➤ BAL ___ ___ ___ ___
(Gain a lot of weight quickly)
➤ B ___ ___ ___ ___ LE
(System of writing for the impaired)
➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ OUS
➤ ___ ___ ___ EST
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
How to Play:
Fill in the two blanks in each entry to come up with a goofy "Spoonerized Moniker" and its resulting 2-word rhyming phrase. The correct answers will complete a sentence where each set of blanks is a spoonerism of the other.
➤ PETE ________ works in a slaughterhouse as a ________ PACKER.
[The answer to the first blank is "MACKER" (which rhymes with "PACKER"), while the answer to the second blank is "MEAT" (which rhymes with "PETE"). Thus, the answer to the riddle is "PETE MACKER works in a slaughterhouse as a MEAT PACKER."]
Round 5:
➤ MELANIE ________ claims she killed in self-defense, but the D.A. is charging her with ________ MURDER.
➤ In awkward meetings he leads, BRYCE ________ employs the technique of ________ BREAKERS to get people to feel comfortable.
➤ AVERY ________ is known to enjoy a ________ ANCHOVY or two atop his pizza.
➤ WARREN ________, who was ________ WEALTHY, never had to worry about money his entire life.
➤ STANLEY ________ was a strong, handsome dude and prided himself on being a ________ STUD.
PAST ROUNDS (for your solving pleasure!):
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
How to Play:
Each entry lists a made-up organization or association whose acronym is the initials of a well-known person. Who might these initial findings reveal? Clues are given as a solving aid to help expose the initial public personae responsible for the fictionalized concerns.
➤ Society for Literature and Comedy = ________ ________ ________
(This American humorist would be a good candidate to head up the SLC.)
Round 1:
➤ Alliance for Animal Mischief = ________ ________ ________
(This children's book author doubtless would be a logical choice to be in charge of the AAM.)
➤ Wacky Comedian's Foundation = ________ ________ ________
(This risible icon of the silver screen set up the WCF to help foster funniness.)
➤ Rebel Elder's League = ________ ________ ________
(On the wrong side of history, this masterful battlefield strategist became a proud member of the REL.)
➤ Alien Creatures Convention = ________ ________ ________
(Little wonder this revered sci-fi writer was the keynote speaker at the ACC.)
➤ Obstruction of Justice Society = ________ ________ ________
(This notorious felon - not for committing murder, though - is the honorary Chair of the OJS.)
Each entry lists a made-up organization or association whose acronym is the initials of a well-known person. Who might these initial findings reveal? Clues are given as a solving aid to help expose the initial public personae responsible for the fictionalized concerns.
➤ Society for Literature and Comedy = ________ ________ ________
(This American humorist would be a good candidate to head up the SLC.)
Round 1:
➤ Alliance for Animal Mischief = ________ ________ ________
(This children's book author doubtless would be a logical choice to be in charge of the AAM.)
➤ Wacky Comedian's Foundation = ________ ________ ________
(This risible icon of the silver screen set up the WCF to help foster funniness.)
➤ Rebel Elder's League = ________ ________ ________
(On the wrong side of history, this masterful battlefield strategist became a proud member of the REL.)
➤ Alien Creatures Convention = ________ ________ ________
(Little wonder this revered sci-fi writer was the keynote speaker at the ACC.)
➤ Obstruction of Justice Society = ________ ________ ________
(This notorious felon - not for committing murder, though - is the honorary Chair of the OJS.)
Monday, June 8, 2020
How to Play:
Fill in the blanks with certain words that strung together in a "daisy chain" spin off from one another to create new words. Each addition of a new word will result in a combination of compound words daisy chained together.
➤ FORE ______ SPIN ______ HAND ______ PUT
[The resulting daisy chain = FOREHEADSPINOFFHANDOFFPUT, with the new, spin-off words being, "forehead", "headspin", "spinoff", "offhand", "handoff", and "offput".]
Round 1:
➤ CLUB ______ ______ GAME ______ ______ WAY ______ ABOUT
➤ BOOK ______ WOOD ______ MAN ______
➤ TOE ______ ______ BOARD ______ MATE
➤ JUMP ______ UP ______ ______ OFF ______
➤ OVER ______ OVER ______ OVER ______ BACK _____ DOWN ______
Fill in the blanks with certain words that strung together in a "daisy chain" spin off from one another to create new words. Each addition of a new word will result in a combination of compound words daisy chained together.
➤ FORE ______ SPIN ______ HAND ______ PUT
[The resulting daisy chain = FOREHEADSPINOFFHANDOFFPUT, with the new, spin-off words being, "forehead", "headspin", "spinoff", "offhand", "handoff", and "offput".]
Round 1:
➤ CLUB ______ ______ GAME ______ ______ WAY ______ ABOUT
➤ BOOK ______ WOOD ______ MAN ______
➤ TOE ______ ______ BOARD ______ MATE
➤ JUMP ______ UP ______ ______ OFF ______
➤ OVER ______ OVER ______ OVER ______ BACK _____ DOWN ______
Sunday, June 7, 2020
How to Play:
To solve the answer to each simply decode a series of clues whose answers string together to reveal the name of a city, state or country of the world. Each clue is listed with the number of letters to its answer, which also happens, not coincidentally, to equal the total number of letters to the final answer. (Just count the number of ?????? in case of doubt.)
➤ Small food container (3) + Palindromic woman's name (3) = ??????
[Answer: the first 3-letter clue answer is "CAN"; the second 3-letter clue answer is "ADA". Combine "CAN" and "ADA" to come up with the country of CANADA.]
Round 3:
➤ Angry (3) + Banish from (3) = ??????
➤ Myself (2) + Greek letter (2) + Firm abbr. (2) = ??????
Saturday, June 6, 2020
How to Play:
(Hot time)
(Endure extremely hot temperature)
(Time for hot food)
Each entry lists two or more mystery words, each shown with a pair of different consonants surrounded by the same number of blank spaces on both sides. The blanks must be filled in with identical letters to reveal different words. Crossword style clues are given as a solving aid.
➤ ___ ___ MM ___ ___
(Hot time)
➤ ___ ___ FF ___ ___
(Endure extremely hot temperature)
➤ ___ ___ PP ___ ___
[The answers are "SUMMER", "SUFFER", and "SUPPER" with the identical letters "S", "U", "E" & "R" in common.]
Round 1:
➤ ___ ___ FF ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(Person who lacks self-confidence can be described as being this)
➤ ___ ___ SS ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(One who opposes official policy)
➤ ___ ___ MM ___ ___
(Slang for "red" person)
➤ ___ ___ LL ___ ___
(Canine breed)
➤ ___ ___ LL ___ ___ ___
(Hodge-podge piece of artwork)
➤ ___ ___ TT ___ ___ ___
(Rustic dwelling)
➤ ___ ___ DD ___ ___
(Make confusing)
➤ ___ ___ FF ___ ___
(Wrap for warmth)
➤ ___ ___ DD ___ ___
(Awkward swaying walk)
➤ ___ ___ FF ___ ___
(Sway in one's actions or intentions)
Friday, June 5, 2020
How to Play:
This brainteaser has two variations, both involving well-known persons.
➤ TOBY GILL = ____________
Round 3:
This brainteaser has two variations, both involving well-known persons.
Variation 1 entries are made-up names resulting from substituting a random letter in both the first and last name of a well-known person. Solving each entry requires a bit of guessing (or reverse substituting) to figure out the real identity of the well-known person.
Variation 2 entries are silly 2-word phrases resulting from substituting a random letter in both the first and last name of a well-known person. Solving each entry requires a bit of guessing (or reverse substituting) to figure out the real identity of the well-known person.
Variation 1:
Variation 1:
➤ TOBY GILL = ____________
[The answer revealing the well-known person is TONY BILL, arrived at by substituting "N" for "B" in the first name, "TOBY", and substituting "B" for "G" in the last name, "GILL".]
Variation 2:
Variation 2:
➤ MAD PEST = ____________
[The answer is MAE WEST, arrived at by substituting "E" for "D" in the first word, "MAD", and substituting "W" for "P" in the last word, "PEST".]
Round 3:
Variation 1:
➤ JILL MAYER = ____________
➤ JILL MAYER = ____________
➤ TIM BIX = ____________
➤ JIM RUTH = ____________
➤ RICK TORK = ____________
➤ RICK HOLTE = ____________
Variation 2:
➤ TOY BRADS = ____________
➤ ME. Y = ____________
➤ U. B. HARMER = ____________
➤ I. M. LEWDS = ____________
➤ YALE EVALS = ____________
PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):
Thursday, June 4, 2020
VOWEL PLAY (Round 2)
How to Play:
Each entry contains two mystery words hidden within a matching set of vowels surrounded by an equal number of blank spaces. Based on the clues, fill in the blanks with consonants only to complete two different words. Caveat: consonants used in the first word are not allowed in the second word.
➤ ____ U I ____ ____
➤ ____ U I ____ ____
(Seeking damages)
[The consonants to fill in for mystery word #1 are "B", "L" & "D" to create the word "BUILD". The consonants to fill in for mystery word #2 are "S", "N" & "G" to create the word, "SUING". In each instance, no consonants overlap.]
Round 2:
➤ ____ I ____ ____ ____ ____ A I ____
➤ ____ I ____ ____ ____ ____ A I ____
(Infant's seat)
➤ ____ A ____ ____ ____I ____ E
(It's associated with marshmallows and ghosts)
➤ ____ A ____ ____ ____I ____ E
(A decay of time)
➤ ____ A ____ A ____ E ____
(Nightclub entertainment)
➤ ____ A ____ A ____ E ____
(Important figure in nightclub entertainer's life)
➤ ____ A I ____ ____ U ____
(Hippies used to shun getting one)
➤ ____ A I ____ ____ U ____
(A bad memory might be this)
➤ ____ ____ O ____ ____ ____ O ____ ____
(Winter equipment)
➤ ____ ____ O ____ ____ ____ O ____ ____
(Puzzle type)
PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):
Each entry contains two mystery words hidden within a matching set of vowels surrounded by an equal number of blank spaces. Based on the clues, fill in the blanks with consonants only to complete two different words. Caveat: consonants used in the first word are not allowed in the second word.
➤ ____ U I ____ ____
➤ ____ U I ____ ____
(Seeking damages)
[The consonants to fill in for mystery word #1 are "B", "L" & "D" to create the word "BUILD". The consonants to fill in for mystery word #2 are "S", "N" & "G" to create the word, "SUING". In each instance, no consonants overlap.]
Round 2:
➤ ____ I ____ ____ ____ ____ A I ____
➤ ____ I ____ ____ ____ ____ A I ____
(Infant's seat)
➤ ____ A ____ ____ ____I ____ E
(It's associated with marshmallows and ghosts)
➤ ____ A ____ ____ ____I ____ E
(A decay of time)
➤ ____ A ____ A ____ E ____
(Nightclub entertainment)
➤ ____ A ____ A ____ E ____
(Important figure in nightclub entertainer's life)
➤ ____ A I ____ ____ U ____
(Hippies used to shun getting one)
➤ ____ A I ____ ____ U ____
(A bad memory might be this)
➤ ____ ____ O ____ ____ ____ O ____ ____
(Winter equipment)
➤ ____ ____ O ____ ____ ____ O ____ ____
(Puzzle type)
PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
How to Play:
Translate the highfalutin circumlocutory language of each entry to distill a common adage, apothegm, aphorism, axiom, maxim, phrase, proverb, saw, or saying.
➤ It is not necessary to shed lacrimal drops over toppled bovine secretions.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(5 word phrase)
Translate the highfalutin circumlocutory language of each entry to distill a common adage, apothegm, aphorism, axiom, maxim, phrase, proverb, saw, or saying.
➤ It is not necessary to shed lacrimal drops over toppled bovine secretions.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(5 word phrase)
[Answer: "Don't cry over spilled milk."]
Round 2:
➤ The asphalt conveyance leading to Hades is a tarmac of decent purposes.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(9 word phrase)
Round 2:
➤ The asphalt conveyance leading to Hades is a tarmac of decent purposes.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(9 word phrase)
➤ The carnal viands of one is the equivalent in value to the venom of another.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(7 word phrase)
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(7 word phrase)
➤ Manufacture dried grass during those times when it is not cloudy.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(6 word phrase)
➤ A fabricated image has the same value as a high multiple of distinct elements of speech.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(7 word phrase)
➤ Should you initially be confronted with failure, endeavor more so without letting up.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(10 word phrase)
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(6 word phrase)
➤ A fabricated image has the same value as a high multiple of distinct elements of speech.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(7 word phrase)
➤ Should you initially be confronted with failure, endeavor more so without letting up.
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."
(10 word phrase)
PAST ROUNDS (for your solving pleasure!):
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