Monday, August 31, 2020


How to Play:

Based on the given clue, figure out the mystery word. With the exception of the first two answers, which are rare 8-letter words, each entry is a 7-letter word containing a single vowel.


___ ___ ___ ___ E ___ ___

(Literature genre)

[The answer is "MYSTERY", a 7-letter word containing a single vowel.]

Round 2:

___ ___ ___ E ___ ___ ___ ___

(Physical or aspirational / moral power)


___ ___ ___ I ___ ___ ___ ___

(Abiding by stern limitations)


___ ___ ___ U ___ ___ ___

(Wad up something)

___ ___ I ___ ___ ___ ___

(Big ol' bear)


___ ___ ___ O ___ ___ ___



PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Sunday, August 30, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists a fictional person's name derived from the first name of Mystery Celebrity A and the last name of Mystery Celebrity B. Discover the identity of each entry's [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] by linking the last name of Mystery Celebrity A with the first name of Mystery Celebrity B. (Homonymic names are allowed.)


➤ ELTON [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] NEWTON =


[Answer: The fictional person's name is "ELTON NEWTON". Mystery Celebrity A is "ELTON JOHN". Mystery Celebrity B is "WAYNE NEWTON"The Mystery Celebrity Offspring is "JOHN WAYNE".]

Round 2:

MARLO [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?DAVIS =



JILL ST. [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] CABOT =



EDDIE [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] ROBINSON =



ROBERT E. [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] WOODS =



BUDDY [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] RICHARD =



PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Thursday, August 27, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry consists of a Spanish word surrounded by blank spaces. Your job is to fill in the blank spaces with appropriate letters to solve a new word - in English!


___ PIE ___

[The answer is "SPIED", solved by filling in "S" and "D" in the blank spaces.]

Round 6:

➤ PLUMA ___ ___ ___


➤ DULCE ___ ___ ___


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ MIEL


➤ CARNE ___ ___ ___ ___


➤ BROMA ___ ___ ___


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists 2 words whose blanks each contain the same letter. Using the clues as a solving aid, figure out each word that shares 4 or more letters in common in the same order.


➤ ___ ___ ON ___ ___ ___

(Method of learning to read, with "Hooked on")

➤ ___ ___ YS ___ ___ ___

(Study of microcosmic or macrocosmic phenomena)

[The answer to the first word is PHONICS; the answer to the second word is PHYSICS. Each word contains at least 4 blanks containing, in order, the letters "P", "H", "I", "C" and "S".]

Round 1:

➤ ___ ST ___ ___ ___ ___

(Rhea relative)

➤ ___ IL ___ ___ ___ ___

(Describing an OPEC nation, say)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ EL

(KFC "officer")

➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ IC

(Used with "irrigation" to describe a method of cleansing the bowels)


➤ ___ ___ XT ___ ___ ___

(Something permanently attached to something)

➤ ___ ___ SS ___ ___ ___

(A narrow crack)


➤ ___ ___ ST ___ ___ ___

(Study of the past)

➤ ___ ___ CK ___ ___ ___

(Kind of tree or nut)


➤ ___ ___ SH ___ ___ ___

(Mode or style)

➤ ___ ___ CT ___ ___ ___

(Dissenting group within a group)


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

2 SQUARED (Round 4)

How to Play:

Each entry lists a pair of identical 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" words surrounded by, preceded by, or ending with blank spaces. Using the clue as a solving aid, fill in the blanks with the appropriate letters to come up with a common word.


➤ RE ___ RE ___

(Your parents did this to you from an early age)

[Answer: "A" and "D" are the letters to fill in surrounding the 2-letter "Scrabble eligible" word "RE", resulting in the word "REARED".]

Round 4:

➤ ___ LA ___ LA ___ ___

(Fun fantasy setting for kids)


➤ EM ___ ___ EM

(Distinctive badge of a family or organization)


 ___ AR ___ AR

(Nasty enamel build-up)


➤ ER ___ ___ ER

(Rubber tip)


 ___ AT ___ ___ ___ AT ___ ___ ___

("The language with which God wrote the Universe")


Monday, August 24, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry contains two blanks that when properly filled in will complete a silly "double spoonerism" sentence. Solving hint: figure out the answer to one blank and that answer will rhyme with the corresponding opposite capitalized word in the sentence; alternately, use one of the capitalized words to find a rhyme which works in the corresponding opposite blank.


➤ PLAIN DRUGS might not do the trick if your DRAIN PLUGS up beyond repair.

[Answer: "PLAIN DRUGS" and "DRAIN PLUGS" are spoonerisms of each other.]

Round 2:

Because of their appalling behavior, the ________ BRATS were forced to eat BROILED ________   for dinner.


➤  The man's DROOPY ________ , a saggy skin condition, caused him so much worry and anxiety he ended up with a severe case of diarrhea and ________  DRAWERS.


➤ The BONY ________  were two hunky but skeletal looking hippie dudes who were so high on their ________  BUDS they couldn't add weight to their frames.


The crappy conclusion is that humans are not so much the FAIR ________   as we are left-over poop, merely the ________  FECES.


➤ Did you hear the one about the entomologist who was ________  BUGS while making a deal with a chemist BUYING ________ ?


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Sunday, August 23, 2020

+/- FACTOR (Round 5)

How to Play:

Each entry comes with a +/- clue and a missing +/- letter in parentheses at the beginning or ending of the series of blank spaces. Using the +/- clue as a solving aid, fill in the blanks and the missing +/- letter will reveal either a longer / shorter common word, or a longer / shorter well-known person's last name.

Example(common words)

Legal +/- Terrible =

( ___ ) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

[The missing +/- letter is "L"; the answer to the clue is “(L)AWFUL", with “LAWFUL” being the + answer to the clue “Legal”, and “AWFUL” being the - answer to the clue “Terrible”.]

Example: (well-known person's last name)

➤ New York Times Crossword Puzzle Editor +/- "Small" comedian =

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ( ___ ) 

[The missing +/- letter is "Z"; the answer to the clue is “SHORT(Z)”, with SHORTZ" being the answer to the clue “New York Times Crossword Puzzle Editor” (Will Shortz), and SHORT” being the - answer to the clue "'SmallComedian” (Martin Short).]

Round 5:

Common Words:

➤ Of the highest office in the land +/- Relating to one's place of dwelling =

( ___ ) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


➤ Chirpers +/- Vitamin D deficiency disease =

( ___ ) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


➤ Rooted in science and data +/- Rooted in present reality =

( ___ ) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


Well-known Persons:

➤ Ex-slave abolitionist and activist +/- Aaron surpassed him in 1975 =

( ___ ) ___ ___ ___ ___


➤ "King of Torts" lawyer +/- Famous Scottish inventor =

___ ___ ___ ___ ( ___ )


➤ South African icon and hero +/- Eclectic Canadian TV host, etc. =

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ( ___ )


Saturday, August 22, 2020

4 X 4-ERS (Round 4)

How to Play:

Each correctly solved entry will reveal a well-known person whose first and last names consist of just four letters. A clue listing an appropriate "punny" anagram will help discern the mystery identity of each famous "4 X 4-ER" luminary.

Round 4:

➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Character actor with long and diverse career had a side interest in astrophysics and actually had a "RED DWARF" star named after him)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Moonwalker who was nicknamed "EL BANANA" because he wore a yellow spacesuit")


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Character actor often seen in Westerns was once offered a role in a cute animal flick called "ME JACKAL")


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(Iconic San Francisco humorist and columnist was never one to "BAN CHEER" when it came to dishing out the scoop on the city's fun venues)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

(American fashion designer who bet the house she could win a Honda Odyssey in a contest called the "VAN WAGER")


Thursday, August 20, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists a common word that bridges the gap between two cities of the world. See how many connections you can make.


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ DAMSEL ___ ___

[Answer: the word "DAMSEL" connects the two cities "AMSTERDAM" and "SELMA".]

Round 2:

➤ ___ ___ AMIGO ___


 ___ ___ ___ ___ GUANO ___ ___ ___ ___


➤ ___ ___ ___ RANCOR ___ ___ ___ ___


___ ___ ___ ___ OLIVE ___ ___ ___ ___


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ CAMEL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists a fictional person's name derived from the first name of Mystery Celebrity A and the last name of Mystery Celebrity B. Discover the identity of each entry's [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] by linking the last name of Mystery Celebrity A with the first name of Mystery Celebrity B. (Homonymic names are allowed.)


➤ ELTON [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] NEWTON =


[Answer: The fictional person's name is "ELTON NEWTON". Mystery Celebrity A is "ELTON JOHN". Mystery Celebrity B is "WAYNE NEWTON"The Mystery Celebrity Offspring is "JOHN WAYNE".]

Round 1:

PHYLLIS [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] FORD =



LES [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] OAKLAND =



LARRY [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] JEFFERS =



HANK [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] ANKA =



DIANA [Mystery Celebrity Offspring?] SCORSESE =



Tuesday, August 18, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists two clues. The first clue answer is a compound word, and the second clue answer will be a 2-word reversal phrase (or single word) of the compound word.

➤ Sports contest  ⇄   Round object used in a sports contest =

_____________  ⇄   _____________

[The answer to the first clue is the compound word "BALLGAME", and the answer to the second clue is the 2-word reversal phrase, "GAME BALL".]

Round 2:

➤ Adverse, unexpected reaction to something  ⇄   Viciously return a verbal insult =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ Coup, e.g.  ⇄   Catch up and pass in a race =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ Breakfast griddle item  ⇄   What you would bake a torte in =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ How suffocating jeans fit  ⇄   Result of plastic surgery, maybe =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


➤ Missing evolutionary link, maybe  ⇄   Missing evolutionary link, maybe =

_____________  ⇄   _____________


PAST ROUNDS (for your solving pleasure!):

Monday, August 17, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry lists a "middle" name held in common that links two well-known personalities. Using the entry clue as a solving aid, fill in the blanks surrounding the "middle" name to reveal three people, two of whom are real people (the “parents”), while the third name will be the fictional offspring (whose "middle" name is the name held in common linking the "parents").


_________ CYRUS _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(Pop entertainer seduces former Secretary of State)

[The answer to the first blank is "Miley" and the second blank is "Vance"  revealing the unlikely couple of "Miley Cyrus" and "Cyrus Vance" ,and their unlikely offspring, "Miley Vance".]

Round 2:

_________ MARTIN _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(Goofy comedic actor and character actor get it on)


_________ NELSON _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(Old TV dad mixes it up with South African leader)


_________ FRANK _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(Politico gets involved with outre musician)


_________ TRUMAN _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(U.S. president has tryst with southern author)


_________ ARTHUR _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(Actress falls for TV broadcaster)


_________ BENNETT _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(Crooner marries old TV personality)


_________ TATUM _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(Two beautiful actors want to procreate)


_________ FRANCIS _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(Actress falls in love with 16th century philosopher and statesman)


_________ WHITNEY _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

(Inventor and singer find romance)


_________ GORE _________ is a result of an unlikely union between _________ _________& __________ _________, and the unlikely offspring is _________ _________.

("Inconvenient" Veep and literary author and critic get it on)


Sunday, August 16, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry contains two blanks that when properly filled in will complete a silly "double spoonerism" sentence. Solving hint: figure out the answer to one blank and that answer will rhyme with the corresponding opposite capitalized word in the sentence; alternately, use one of the capitalized words to find a rhyme which works in the corresponding opposite blank.


➤ PLAIN DRUGS might not do the trick if your DRAIN PLUGS up beyond repair.

[Answer: "PLAIN DRUGS" and "DRAIN PLUGS" are spoonerisms of each other.]

Round 1:

➤ In order to be in the proper state of mind to watch the ________ PICTURE "Fantasia", you might want to prepare a special POTION ________  to put in your pipe and smoke while viewing.


A BIRD ________  who writes about avians and screws up her grammar is without a doubt a ________  BOTCHER.


The hiker was not about to share the rest of her TRAIL ________ with her masculine partner if he did not stop goofing off with his ________  TRICKS and charades costing them valuable time.


The LAZY ________  was so slothful and insane that she gave birth to a very ________  LITTER.


Don't expect your girlfriend to swoon in uncontrollable FITS of ________  if you insist on dressing shabbily in the ________  of FASHION.


Friday, August 14, 2020


How to Play:

Based on the given clue, figure out the mystery word. Each entry is a 7-letter word containing a single vowel.


___ ___ ___ ___ E ___ ___

(Literature genre)

[The answer is "MYSTERY", a 7-letter word containing a single vowel.]

Round 1:

___ ___ ___ A ___ ___ ___

(With "Old", nickname for the devil)


___ ___ ___ O ___ ___ ___

(A smear of something)


___ ___ I ___ ___ ___ ___

(Fickle, or describing a bird)


___ ___ ___ I ___ ___ ___

(Not wasteful, as of resources)


___ ___ ___ E ___ ___ ___

(What you might do with a rubberband or a stiff part of your body)


Monday, August 10, 2020


How to Play:

This game lists initials and acronyms of well-known persons, places, things, agencies, associations, and organizations. Based on the entry clue, fill in the blanks surrounding the connector initials or acronym with the appropriate letters to reveal a single word or multiple word phrase.


➤ ___ ___ LL * B ___ ___ ___ ___

(This outdoor recreation store sells products that provide comfort for its customers, and for its financial bottom line.)

[The initials / acronym "LLB" stand for LL BEAN, and the blanks to fill in create the phrase "well-being".]

Round 4:

➤ ___ ___ W * PA ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

(It doesn't take a government-sponsored employment program to go searching for magic mushrooms in these fields of psychedelic dreams.)


➤ ___ ___ ___ F * DA ___ ___ ___

(Did Sean Combs hide his donation to this agency under his former name?)


➤ ___ ___ ___ SEC ___

(If you're not careful, this watchdog agency will do this to your finances to get at the root of malfeasance.)


➤ ___ ___ ___ NATO ___ ___

(What the Euro-military alliance representative is who inked the treaty.)


➤ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ MI * A ___ ___

(If you've disappeared, you're not dead, you're just in hiding being creative and getting many "crease pains" engaged in this Japanese tradition.)


Saturday, August 8, 2020


How to Play:

Each entry requires you to "PHIL" in the blank with a male or female first name. Clues are given as a solving aid to reveal a name subsumed into the word.


➤ This person has a macabre fascination with death:

NECRO __________ IA

[The person's name is “PHIL” and the word is “NECROPHILIA”.]

Round 5:

➤ This person is an expert at icebergs splitting apart:

__________ G


➤ This person has evil intent:



➤ This person wears the badge:

 __________ LL


➤ This person is a shame:

DIS __________


➤ This person is specially marked:

AS __________ SK


Friday, August 7, 2020


How to Play:

Using the entry clue as a solving aid, fill in the blanks to reveal an answer that combines a syllable from one food item with a syllable from another food item. The resulting phrase or word is the grammatically modified organism (GMO), from which you will be able to derive possible solutions as to the food items. All manner of foodstuff applies: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, herbs, and their by-products and derivatives.



➤ Places where you will find many sets of wheels for sale

The GMO is: ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

The two food items are: __________ & __________

[Answer: the grammatically modified organism (GMO) is "CARLOTS", derived by combining two syllables from two different food items: "CARROTS" and "SHALLOTS".]


➤ Creative and expressive in a pretentious way

The GMO is: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The two food items are: __________ & __________

[Answer: the grammatically modified organism (GMO) is "ARTSY", derived by combining two syllables from two different food items: "ARTICHOKE" and "CILANTRO".]

Round 1:

➤ Hold back

The GMO is: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The two foodstuffs are: __________ & __________


➤ Hooch

The GMO is: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The two foodstuffs are: __________ & __________


➤ Complete a transaction using currency

The GMO is: ___ ___ ___ * ___ ___ ___ ___

The two foodstuffs are: __________ & __________


➤ Firebrand, or small firearm

The GMO is: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The two foodstuffs are: __________ & __________


➤ Rid, or cast out

The GMO is: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The two foodstuffs are: __________ & __________


Thursday, August 6, 2020


How to Play:

Translate the highfalutin circumlocutory language of each entry to distill a common adage, apothegm, aphorism, axiom, maxim, phrase, proverb, saw, or saying.


It is not necessary to shed lacrimal drops over toppled bovine secretions.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(5 word phrase)

[Answer: "Don't cry over spilled milk."]

Round 5:

Extend to an individual a unit of measure equivalent to one-twelvth of a foot, and said individual will profit by assuming control of a unit of measure equivalent to 5,280 feet.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(11 word phrase)


A canine emitting sharp yelps is not liable to employ his teeth to inflict a wound.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(5 word phrase)


It is possible to hoodwink a portion of the general public in all circumstances, as well as deceive the entire general public to a lesser degree, however success is not certain to mislead the entire general public in all circumstances.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(32 word phrase)


Provide to a masculine individual a sufficient length of fibrous cordage and the guarantee is said masculine individual will end up dangling from its noose.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(10 word phrase)


One who delays taking action is unable to be found.

"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____."

(5 word phrase)


PAST ROUNDS (for your solving pleasure!):

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

3 WORD MONTE (Round 2)

How to Play:

Each entry in this game deals two words face up, separated by a blank space. Can you identify the proper connecting word in between that unites the two words and results in three consecutive compound words? Don't be a shill - place your bet!


PIN _______ POINT

[The word to fill in to complete the 3 WORD MONTE is "BALL", which results in the 3 words, "PINBALL", "BALLPOINT" and "PINPOINT".]

Round 2:

BLOW ______ UP


➤ FOOT ________ PAD


➤ PUSH ________ UP


➤ HOUSE _______ BOY


OUT _______ WALK


Tuesday, August 4, 2020


How to Play:

Combine permutations of the 8 solfège syllables assigned to the notes of the scale ("Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do") to come up with as many words as possible. All but 2 words are monosyllabic.

You're an expert if you can come up with more than 8 words created from combinations of the 8 solfège syllables! .

Note: at the bottom are two additional words that are multi-syllabic proper nouns. One is a U.S. border city, and the other is a "Queen of Pop".

Example (giving away one of the hard-earned words)


[The word "DORE" is created by combining the two solfège syllables "Do" and "Re",  resulting in a word describing a type of fish or gold bullion.]

Find the Remaining 7 Words :

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

7. _______________


1. _______________

2. _______________

Monday, August 3, 2020


How to Play:

The objective of this executive stumper is to figure out which U.S. president is embedded in a logical or silly 2-word phrase. Based on each entry's correct answer, the embedded president's identity will be hinted at through the first 2 letters of his first and last name. (Note: presidential middle names are not used.)


➤ SEWA ___ ___ * ___ ___ STE

(This president figured out what to do with the White House's excess excreta)


[Answer: Fill in the blanks with the letters "GE" & "WA" to complete the answer to the clue: "SLUDGE WASTE" - revealing the 2-letter first and last name initials of the embedded president, "GEORGE WASHINGTON".]

Round 2:

RAN ___ ___ * ___ ___ RS

(This president waged battles on the frontier)

= ____________________


DO ___ ___ * ___ ___ COON

(This president was a mogul in the business of karate studios)

= ____________________


NE ___ ___ *___ ___ INCARNATED

(This president's grandiose delusions of power caused him to think he was the second coming of an ancient Roman emperor)

= ____________________


IO ___ ___ * ___ ___ RVEST

(This president owned farmland in a Midwest U.S. state and participated in the reaping of the bounty every fall)

= ____________________


T ___ ___* ___ ___ DOWS

(This president, married twice, outlived 'em both)

= ____________________


PAST ROUNDS (For your solving pleasure!):


How to Play : Buried within each sentence entry is a precious gemstone for you to find. Upon finding all ten, re-arrange the sentences order...